
Refreshing Charlevoix

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A refreshing space in the Charlevoix webosphere, open to your voices. An energizing, freely creative spirit with soaring ambitions, and inspiring people: Go Charlevoix is the new, devotedly positive and unrelentingly appealing platform for discovering and rediscovering the varied beauty of Charlevoix! 



Presentation Go Charlevoix



Go Charlevoix encompasses it all: Amazing vistas, discovery of everything there is to see, taste, explore and do here, and everyone you’ll meet along the way… Especially the people you’ll meet!

Explore our profiles: Bénédite Séguin, a jeweller at the crossroads of botanics and adventure, Stéphane Bouchard, a potter who gives voice to clay, Alexandra Savard, a dancer and teacher with a radiant heart. As well as a number of artists and agricultural producers who connected as participants in the 2021 Pays’art rural art tour. Also, discover the Charlevoix that our friendly expat ambassadors (Alex Perron, Marie-Michèle Dion-Bouchard, Gabrielle Desgagnés, and Alexandre Bergeron) know and love.

Your mouth will water when you read our articles about food and terroir [local products], thanks to the talents of chef Truchon and those of the organic producers and family farms of Viandes Bios de Charlevoix and Belles Récoltes de Charlevoix.

Whether you’re camping or glamping at the "Manoir", get some rest  before you escape to adventure, with these suggestions from Alpagas Trekking, the Domaine Forget, and the Festival Cuisine Cinéma & Confidences as experienced by Christian Bégin

Most of all, keep one eye on Go Charlevoix. Videos, profiles, best-of lists, and even promotional offers will enhance the platform on an ongoing basis!

Stéphane Bouchard Potier Les ateliers Charlevoix

The larger-than-life web magazine that explores everything Charlevoix; a huge, blank canvas, sexy and brilliant, with space enough for all of Charlevoix’s colourful hues!

Go Charlevoix printemps 2022 - Vivifiant Charlevoix
Aérien fleuve Charlevoix

Have you seen that particular tinge of emerald green found in the St. Lawrence River on some of the hills around Charlevoix? On our coastlines, where the St. Lawrence and other rivers meet, where fresh water caresses and commingles with salt water. As sung by one of our local storytellers and poets: “the Rivière-Malbaie falls in love, in love with the peaks…” The same is true for the Rivière du Gouffre, the Rivière Noire and many others that flow, sometimes peacefully, sometimes in tumultuous torrents, from our mountains, our back-country winter peaks, to the coastal cities and villages, the venerable schooner wharves, but most of all, the emerald waters of what we, in this place, call “the sea.” A wider than wide River, whose invigorating spray-misted air cleanses from the inside out, purifies and  makes you want to raise your arms and cheer.

Freedom and space: that’s the Charlevoix we show you and tell you about with the stories of these landscapes (definitely coastal, to say nothing of agricultural and boreal, inhabited and wild).

Besides its beautiful topography, Charlevoix is also a kind of energy. The energy of creativity that has enlivened and stirred artists and craftspeople for centuries and which, to this day, brings new ideas to life. A talent incubator, Charlevoix also blooms with a passion for helping our agricultural producers grow and expand, boosting the region’s terroir [local products] so that the Charlevoix name has become a highly respected brand for foodies everywhere. An energy that creates synergy when we work together to showcase our uniqueness in companies, restaurants, stores, exhibit spaces, and festivals! And all of this helped along by wonderful people who have varied stories, eyes full of hope, and generous hearts!

Camille Dufour Truchon, Mark Lindenberg (translation)
Patrice Gagnon
Sylvain Foster

Your opinion matters

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