Arts & Entertainment

Standing at the Crossroads

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Where the bustling streets of Baie-Saint-Paul converge… Where contemporary culture meets heritage. Where artistic disciplines and styles cross paths and blend with each other. Where people come together and meet each other, too - learning from each other, perhaps sharing a drink in the process - at this major intersection: The Carrefour Culturel Paul-Médéric.

In the eyes of some of the biggest names in art history in Quebec and Canada, its picturesque landscapes and its geography made the city of Baie-Saint-Paul’s reputation. Where the Group of Seven, Clarence Gagnon, René-Richard, and Jean-Paul Lemieux sampled scenery that now hangs on the walls in some major collections, their interest in the mansard roofs and unique topography of the place conferred upon Baie-Saint-Paul the status of a cultural town that transcends time. It's a city that saw the birth of the circus, comes alive with festivals, and has the only contemporary art museum in this part of the province, and where one can spend time wandering from art gallery to art gallery. In short, it's a crossroads! A true meeting place, an artistic, cultural, and heritage hub. For such a city, the desire to establish a specific venue for cultural gatherings and outreach gave rise, in 1967, to an initial version of what, over the years and in various stages, would become today’s Le Carrefour culturel Paul-Médéric.

Espace Baie-Saint-Paul

A space entirely dedicated to the discovery of Baie-Saint-Paul and its neighbouring villages: Les Éboulements, the Isle-aux-Coudres, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, Saint-Hilarion, and Saint-Urbain. Using five interactive screens, one can discover both their remarkable histories, and their best-kept secrets…

Studio Trad

Did you know about the famous hooked rugs, boutonné and the étoile de Charlevoix [Charlevoix Star]? How long has it been since you set your hands on a loom? In this space dedicated to Charlevoix’s traditional textile creations, visitors are invited to reconnect with a skill unfortunately on the decline - but which deserves its moment in the spotlight!


Temporary exhibitions of all kinds take their turn, one after the other, within the walls of the various Carrefour Culturel rooms. Modern art, pop art, artist collectives, solo artists, craft art, or photography; many mediums, themes, and amazing worlds await both local and tourist crowds.

Go Charlevoix invites you to take a tour of the Carrefour, guided by our images but, above all, guided by the team here in this wonderful showcase of local vitality:

Camille Dufour Truchon, Mark Lindenberg (Translation)
Patrice Gagnon, Sylvain Foster, Camille Dufour Truchon
Sylvain Foster

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