Follow the Sun

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The sky has scarcely begun to blush pink in the east, but already the first sounds of birdsong welcome the appearance of that star which, all day long, warms the air, triggers photosynthesis, makes the water’s surface sparkle, makes every colour brighter, and, above all, steers the footsteps and governs the desires of those of us who follow the sun!

High on Vitamin D, we set off on this quest, this summer race to spend as many days as we can in the sun, to masquerade as a sunflower and follow the sun’s path, hour after hour, day after day in a mad pursuit, the sundial keeping time. Wasting not one minute, we’ll be pedalling this summer, and road-tripping too: windows down, hair flying in the wind, singing the sunniest of summer songs… Our tinted sunglasses fastened to our faces, we’ll conquer whitewater rapids and shores of golden sand heated by the sun’s rays. We’ll give ourselves a bohemian-look makeover: cute, with a bit of surfer thrown in. We’ll feel the slow, radiant burn on our skin, creams and soothing salves notwithstanding. We’ll imagine ourselves part of the sun, and do our best to cool the hot vibe with the river breeze and ice cream! At night, we’ll celebrate our solar system’s star as its last rays sink behind the mountains and scatter its glowing colours in one last burst of radiance…

Last burst? Well, just until dawn! Daylight hours are getting longer, and that’s for the better! As carefree as a summer romance, full of joy, and bathed in warmth, these days are our best days: Sunny days!

Suivre le soleil
Camille Dufour Truchon, Mark Lindenberg (Translation)
Camille Dufour Truchon